Tuesday, September 1, 2009

EU and Eurozone unemployment stats in June and some thoughts ....

June unemployment (Eurostat) top: Spain (Eurozone member) 18.5% Latvia 17.4% (6.9% in 2008) Lithuania 16.7% (5.8% 2008) - EU 27 9%, Eurozone 16 9.5%

Why is unemployment in the Eurozone in June (9.5%) higher than the whole of the EU (9%)?

Of the 6 EU member states with lowest June unemployment 4 are in the Eurozone (NL 3.4% Austria 4.4% Cyprus 5.5% Denmark 5.9% Czech 6.4% Lux 6.4%)!!!!!!!

When will the single currency single market of the Eurozone realise it potential? How? What is missing, in your opinion? IMO: a single language in the workplaces

What can the American economy learn from the EU 's systemic economic and other problems? eg the effects of over-regulation? other?

15.1 million jobless in the Eurozone: if each SME was offered the right "climate", if, then .....

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